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Our Proven Framework

Guarantees Success Within 90 Days.

Audience Research

We will analyze your current audience to identify their product preferences and determine the optimal monetization strategy tailored to your unique needs.

Our Sales System

Implementing our automated Ascend Flow sales system will streamline lead follow-up and generate sales automatically. This comprehensive marketing software includes pre-built automations, landing page templates, and promotional SMS/email messages.

Offer Creation

Based on the Audience Research, we will craft an offer and product outline to ensure a profitable launch, delivering a product that your audience truly desires.

$9,220 in Monthly Recurring Revenue from 92 members in their community.
$12,516 in Monthly Recurring Revenue from 84 members in their community.

Our 90 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Find out more here

We guarantee that you will generate $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue within the first 90 days of working with us. In the rare event this goal is not met, we will continue working with you until you achieve $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue. Terms and conditions apply, including a commitment to active participation.

Frequently asked questions

I don’t want to take advantage of my audience and be perceived as a typical “guru”. How is this different?

Our approach focuses on delivering exceptional value to your audience through a paid community. By providing valuable knowledge and fostering a thriving environment, we ensure high member retention. As long as the community offers substantial benefits, members will remain engaged and continue their monthly subscriptions. Our role is to keep the community dynamic and valuable.

A crucial mindset shift is recognizing that you offer your audience the opportunity to join you on their journey. They need your expertise and guidance, not the other way around.

What work related tasks is required from me, the content creator?

With us, you can focus on your passion: content creation. Your primary responsibility will be creating content.

We will provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the content creation process, offering content ideas, quality feedback, and general marketing advice.

Additionally, we host weekly video calls with members of the paid community, typically lasting 60-90 minutes.

What do you charge for your services?

Our pricing varies based on several factors unique to each client. Therefore, we recommend scheduling a discovery call with our team to fully assess the potential partnership.

We operate on a commission-based model, meaning we only get paid a percentage of the revenue generated through the paid community. This ensures no upfront risk for you as the content creator.

How big of an audience do I need to have?

We prefer to collaborate with content creators and influencers who have a combined audience of at least 10,000 across their social networks, as this scale allows our tactics to be most effective. However, exceptions may be made for those with a unique niche or proposition.